"Jaminan Kualitas dan Harga"


“ Menjadi penyedia spare part Alat Berat utama di Indonesia“


“ Menawarkan produk dengan kualitas terbaik, Menawarkan produk dengan harga kompetitif, dan Memberikan pelayanan terbaik dan memuaskan dalam membantu memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan Dibantu oleh tenaga kami yang profesional dan berpengalaman“

Brand partner


Hydraulic Pump

Why choose us

The great benefits on offer, The innovative mindset, The dedicated member service.

Quality guarantee

We offer only the finest quality at various price points. We supply parts that are reliable with proven quality and durability.

Best price

Our pricing strategy is highly competitive in the market, without compensating on the quality and the timeline of project deliver.

A wide variety of products

We offer a wide variety of item's from many brand to show our great competency and provide a great variety of options to our customers.

Parts warranty

Product general warranties and indemnities on manufacturing defects.

Contact Us

We are looking forward to hear from you.